Mini French Academy Online Course age 4-8



Welcome to the Mini French Online Academy. Based on the theme of the Hungry Caterpillar this step-by-step video-based course includes:

  • 6 tutor-led video workshops (see details)
  • ‘Parent Guide’
  • 21 page resource pack download
  • carefully designed activities
  • certificate to track completed lessons
  • related MP3s to download
  • your own account
  • Bonus Material! Infographics & extension activities
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How it works?

The course topic is inspired by the Hungry Caterpillar and each lesson works on a sub-theme of that topic.

Log-on to access your course where you will find a series of 6 videos – c. 10 minutes each.

Video workshops are engaging and carefully designed so that children learn quickly, independently following along – pausing where necessary to complete activities.

Resources are all provided in the 21-page resource pack and exercises include: listening tasks, singing, simple crafts and activity sheets.

Requirements or ‘nice-to-haves’:

  • Printer preferable but resources could be copied by hand
  • Basic craft equipment such as paper, sellotape and a pencil
  • Grown-ups can supervise or let child work alongside video which are streamed safely and ad-free