May 31, 2020
10 of the Best French Cartoons for Kids (with links)
French cartoons are a great tool in enjoying French together. Check out my top 10 for French learners!

French cartoons on Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime or DVD can be a great addition to your toolkit when teaching your child to a new language. No parent is under the illusion that watching French cartoons alone will make your child fluent in French. However, when used with other resources and activities, you can learn a lot of new words and even about French culture!
First of all though, to really start to teach your child French consider:
- Grabbing your free French digital resource pack including MP3 here!
- Try out a French Lesson Pack or my Interactive French Platform packed with videos starting at £3.95
With so much choice… what are the best French cartoons (or cartoons in French) for learners out there?
So, save yourself some time and use my list of French cartoons below. These are ones my children have enjoyed and ones recommended by families in my Facebook group (Teach Your Child French). I’ve included YouTube links but the programmes may also be available on streaming platforms which I would say is safer. Be mindful of leaving your child with YouTube – always keep an eye on what they click on next.
Originally a French series, Trotro is a funny little donkey – “Trop, trop rigolo!”. The stories are simple and there are Trotro books which my children and my niece loved.
Oui Oui
Noddy with French dubbing. This has been cited as a firm favourite from several parents at my French classes. It makes me laugh that Noddy has literally been translated as “Yes, Yes”!
Originally in Spanish I believe, my children love the characters and original animation style of this cartoon. They cover lots of useful kids’ topics and it is quite humorous. I see that they have some extra resources on their YouTube channel. I haven’t used them but could be a nice addition to watching the cartoons.
Petit Ours Brun
Another one which originated as a book series and my secret favourite! The topics they cover provide lots of vocabulary for teaching your child useful French like getting dressed, going to the market etc. The characters speak clearly and I BET you can’t get the opening tune out of your head for the rest of the day J
There is a reason that T’choupi has 1.32m subscribers. It is a firm French favourite. This also originated as a book series and is a solid franchise with LOTS of cartoons. There are two different animation styles. I prefer the drawn cartoons but my 4-year-old prefers the computer generated ones!
This is another one with a VERY catchy theme tune! The adventures of Simon the rabbit with his cheeky little brother Gaspard. We also have the Simon books. Like “Caca boudin” which, given the topic, is a firm favourite J
This is a cute little series where Didou draws different items. You can even set up your child with pen and paper to keep them active at the same time. Good for young children.
Les Monsieur Madame
Certainly, a classic – the Mr Men series in French! Simple, instantly recognisable animations. I think the speaking is clear and the topics are relatable for children. This is enjoyed by all my three kids and it is one that I enjoy myself J
La cuisine est un jeu d’enfants
For budding chefs! Follow a recipe with two little animated kids – Bob & Prune. I like the voices and the way the chef helps and teaches them. The music can get a bit annoying…. but, you can pick up some tasty dinner and dessert ideas!
Ma Petite Planète Cherie
This one is a little bit different and I’d be interested to see if you like it. Clearly an older animation and perhaps a bit dated in style but the themes are based on looking after the planet and the world around us. We like the one which explains about the water cycle.
Next steps in teaching your child French effectively.
- We would love to have you in our Facebook Group. There you will find more support and ideas.
- Try out a French Lesson Pack or my Interactive French Platform packed with videos starting at £3.95
- Also, grab your free French digital resource pack including MP3 here!
Felicity x